Fertile Land is a commentary on the history of Martindale Brightwood.
Many of the residents have memories of eating from the fruit trees that used to be in the neighborhood. This community continues to plants seed of investment to improve the quality of life in the area.
I hope that one day my neighborhood can harvest that level of abundance and sweetness for every neighbor.
Thank you to Citizens Energy Group & Big Car Collaborative for supporting this project.

I got to bring this project to Martin University's Community Access Fair as a engagement activity.

These designs went through a few revisions to make it work for a manhole cover. Final designs are above with earlier versions pictured below. I used Illustrator to layout the designs for each so they were simple to tweak.

Each artist hand paints the final designs on a real manhole cover using latex paint; so I got to hang out at Tube Space and make my designs real. It's great to be able to make something for the community that made me.