Below, when we use the word “we,” it is referencing both the youth and the FHC partners– not just adults.
Martindale Brightwood has been blessed to have so many members of its community be willing to share their many experiences, knowledge, and expertise. At the Felege Hiywot Center, we have gone to the members of our community again and again. We believe that the youth “stand on the shoulders of our community elders.”
Both the students themselves and the adult leaders at FHC put this into action by engaging the youth directly in crafting this plan. In Fall 2023, students in each grade level at KIPP high school worked with facilitators in guided discussions to arrive at the goals and strategies.
During these sessions, most students were skeptical that their input would matter, but soon they learned that not only they were heard, they got involved in creating a five year plan.
In our vibrant Martindale Brightwood community, we want to emphasize that the participation of youth is not just encouraged, but essential for a thriving future. By breaking down generational barriers, we aim to engage more young people in community activities, fostering a sense of belonging and shared responsibility.
After the initial brainstorming, the results from our discussion indicated that the primary catalysts for youth violence in the community are Emotional Environment, Health, Education, and Lack of Youth Engagement and Education.
To address the growing impacts of mental health issues among our youth, we are establishing accessible resources and normalizing public dialogue around these concerns. This initiative seeks to create a supportive environment where mental health is openly discussed and appropriately managed, ensuring every young individual feels heard and valued.
Understanding the justice system is crucial for our youth. We are committed to creating a support network for those who have encountered legal challenges, helping them move beyond their past mistakes. Additionally, we will build a consistent dialogue around personal and community accountability, promoting a fair and just society.
Our youth deserve to tell their own stories, countering negative stereotypes with genuine narratives. Through strategic partnerships with other community groups, we will amplify their voices and share their unique experiences, fostering a positive and realistic portrayal of our young members.
Youth are not just the future; they are integral to our community today. By promoting intergenerational leadership, we ensure that young people are actively involved in decision-making processes that shape our community now and in the future.
Lastly, addressing food deserts and hunger is critical. We will educate our youth on the science of producing food and the impact of food shortages on health. By engaging them in food production, we aim to alleviate hunger and reduce the anger and violence often associated with food insecurity.
We often think of this reminder that can be found in Unity Park: “This is about us: The Youth. Learning how to be self-sufficient and take care of our community while the elders are guiding us and looking on with admiration. We look to them to remind us of the past, for us to preserve the rich history of our neighborhood as we go forward.”

Goals And Strategies
Goal 1
More youth are engaged in the community
More youth are engaged in the community
Strategy 1.1
Break down generational barriers that may impact opportunities for youth in the MB community
Break down generational barriers that may impact opportunities for youth in the MB community
Goal 2
Establishing accessible mental health resources
Establishing accessible mental health resources
Strategy 2.1
Establish resource for the growing impacts of mental health on the youth of the MB community
Establish resource for the growing impacts of mental health on the youth of the MB community
Strategy 2.2
Normalize public dialogue surrounding mental health concerns
Normalize public dialogue surrounding mental health concerns
Goal 3
Ensure youth better understand the justice system
Ensure youth better understand the justice system
Strategy 3.1
Creating a support network for those who have become involved in the justice system and are trying to move beyond those mistakes
Creating a support network for those who have become involved in the justice system and are trying to move beyond those mistakes
Strategy 3.2
Build consistent dialogue around both personal and community accountability
Build consistent dialogue around both personal and community accountability
Goal 4
Youth are telling their own story
Youth are telling their own story
Strategy 4.1
Counter the negative, public stereotypes surrounding the youth of MB and replace it with the genuine stories of the youth of the community
Counter the negative, public stereotypes surrounding the youth of MB and replace it with the genuine stories of the youth of the community
Strategy 4.2
Build strategic partnerships with other community groups to spread the message
Build strategic partnerships with other community groups to spread the message
Goal 5
Youth are fully integrated into community now, not just preparing them for the future
Youth are fully integrated into community now, not just preparing them for the future
Strategy 5.1
Build Intergenerational Community Leadership for today and tomorrow
Build Intergenerational Community Leadership for today and tomorrow
Goal 6
Youth engage in producing food to alleviate food desert and hunger with leads to anger and violence
Youth engage in producing food to alleviate food desert and hunger with leads to anger and violence
Strategy 6.1
Youth education in the science of producing food and effect of food shortage in health
Youth education in the science of producing food and effect of food shortage in health